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NÀe men dra mig baklÀnges Men vafan, andra gÄngen gillt?

LĂ„gkvalitativa memes frĂ„n din lokala meme-bonde. HBTQIA+ vĂ€nlig. (header imagine av @zzzora). Posts · FrĂ„ga vad som helst men jag svarar 

Lyssnat pÄ de flesta avsnitten, fick ocksÄ nys om kontot via GS. Tycker hon verkar rÀtt skÀrpt ÀndÄ, och nu la hon nyss upp ett par bilder pÄ sig sjÀlv pÄ kontots story. Read Vafan Àr det frÄgan om? from the story Mitt liv som anka by GladaAnkan (Glada Ankan) with 16 reads.

Trodde den bara skulle handla om mode och sÄnt skit men vissa avsnitt e riktigt bra, det med meme lord jeki va cool. Lyssnat pÄ de flesta avsnitten, fick ocksÄ nys om kontot via GS. Tycker hon verkar rÀtt skÀrpt ÀndÄ, och nu la hon nyss upp ett par bilder pÄ sig sjÀlv pÄ kontots story.

Vafan meme

Va fan har vi pantat burkar för tidigare? +5,278 views. Download Post; Embed Post; Make Meme  Double meme by Yuki and Kuma Like An Artist MEME den med nĂ„gon annan ocksĂ„. ;3 OCH DU RITAR OCKSÅ FINT, VAFAN SÄGER DU! Roliga Citat, Roliga Citat, Roligt, Memes Humor, Skolhumor, Lol So True 40 Of Today's Best Pics And Memes Men ibland sĂ„ orkar ju man bara inte vafan. Memes! A way of describing cultural information being shared.

Literally means to go take it in the ass.
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If administered correctly, it can leave the opposition in complete shock and awe. It also helps to make the Italian gesture that is synonymous with this expression, which is to put one hand in between the bicep and forearm of the other arm and to raise that arm with the palm of that hand towards yourself. Translation for 'vafan' in the free Swedish-English dictionary and many other English translations. đŸ‘‰đŸ» KARFIOL MERCH: https://goo.gl/88hV4m đŸ‘ˆđŸ»đŸ‘‰đŸ» STAƇ SA ČLENOM: https://bit.ly/2IBvOHu đŸ‘ˆđŸ»V dneĆĄnom dieli z komunitnej sĂ©rie FanFun som sa pozeral na mem It's both a swear word and slang :) It's another word for devil, but this is what you would (I think?) say in English: Fan! - Fuck!
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Vafan meme

Translation for 'vaffanculo!' in the free Italian-English dictionary and many other English translations.
